These are the Cute Pictures that I was talking about in one of my Blogs. We just got them back today. How cute is Hayes in his little hat. I am having so much fun with this age. They are definatley everywhere, But so fun. They cruise all over the Kitchen with two tupperware bowls upside down one hand on each one and push the bowls all over. They prefer dishes and Drawers instead of toys. No, Seriously!
They both follow each other everywhere, if one of them has a hair brush then the other has about 2 or 3 coming out of my bathroom. They go from one room to the other & DESTROY! They are double trouble.
I love it when they first wake up in the morning and I have to carry both of them out of their cribs, Olivia says "no, No Hayes" She doesn't want him to grab her Pooh Bear, she is very concerned. Then after a little bit of a fight, they look & Point to each other and just laugh their little heads off, Its so cute!
Olivia is so cute with her words, She is starting to say Please and Thank You. Hayes love to say Dog! They have learned how to tell Deagon (our dog) to sit, Holding their fist out in front of them. Although, it doesn't really sound like SIT!
I am looking forward to trying to work on my Quilt! I need it to be rainy outside so I don't have anxiety. I feel like I need to be out enjoying the weather while it's still nice. And it has been nice!