Wednesday, July 20, 2011

special dates...

one of my new years resolutions was to take our kids on their own special dates!  
so we decided to take the 'birthdate' of the child and that is their date night every month!   
it can be as little as spending a couple of hours playing the wii, going to get a snoasis, 
shooting some hoops, night swimming etc, etc.  just 'one on one' time!
so with the twins, it's tricky.  we don't want them to have to 
share their date so we do individual time with that child either the
same day or the next day.  
we're still trying to work that one out. 

hayes wanted to go golfing on his special date, and has been wanting to go for a while. 
 i love that he got his own time with dad and hit some golf balls.   
we have loved doing this and cherish our conversations with these guys.
they say the cutest things ever!   
i just want to freeze this stage of life! 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love the idea of one on one dates! I try to do it with my kids. I think it is so important. You are such a fun mom :)

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