Last night was the Annual "Hansen Halloween Party!" If you couldn't already tell, We LOVE Halloween! I love Dressing up and going to all the Parties. Cory, however is just a good sport, it's not his Favorite, but he dresses up every year regardless {He's the Best!}
Cory & I themed our Costumes around Hayes & Olivia. "TOY STORY 2" My kids are obsessed with Buzz lightyear and Woody, so how appropriate to have their Dad be Woody!
The Party was so fun. The kids did a Cakewalk, Costume Parade, got Awards & then we Trunk Or Treated! I am still amazed at how much candy they came home with!!
Little Bo Peep {Shannon}, My Sheep {Ivy}, Woody {Cory}
Jesse {Olivia}, Buzz {Hayes} & of course Boston {Richard Simmons}Boston did not want to match us, so he went with the Best Costume of all...
Richard Simmons
Little Bo Peep and her Sheep
Woody & Bo Peep
I loved this one of Lacey and Tyson & Ziggy {yes even the dog was a Gangsta}

Most of my pictures didn't turn out so great, their was something weird with my camera. I must have had it on a different setting. Sorry! Check out Tasha's Blog for some more great pictures of the Party!
Everyones costumes were so fun!!
Everyones costumes were so fun!!
Shannon your family looked so stinking cute!!
How cute are you guys!!! I love how you went all out and Cory was a good sport for dressing up!
what fantastic costumes!!!!! i love dressing up!
I really tried with your camera. Sorry!!!!!
omg, you are awesome! What a cute Little Bo Beep you are with your sheep, i love it! All your kids look awesome, Cory is an awesome Man for dressing up! Still, Boston is my favorite...each time I see a picture of him in that costume I am dying!
Could you guys be any cuter??!!
YOU GUYS ARE SO CUTE! I love that Cory dressed up! What a sweet family! I need to see your baby!
we miss going to that party-it doesn't look like it was too cold this year! was it?
love the costumes.
Oh my holy cow, your family is so stinkin cute!
Looks like fun! I love the little sheep! She is so cute!! Can't wait to see her!!
next year justin and I are raiding your closet and stealing halloween costumes! We have to go to a party tomorrow and have no idea what to even be yet!!
Boston, What are you thinking? That is hilarious!! What fun! Derek goes as a mean, old, short, fat, near-sighted, bald guy every year (day)!
It looks like the party was fun, I am bumbed we missed it this year. I love the costumes, so cute. We aren't even dressing up this year, we will be in the Mountains zip lining, repelling and 4 wheeling on Halloween.
You guys are the cutest and Boston is hilarious! You have the funnest family!
Shannon where did you get that costume? It is the cutest thing I have seen. How do you look so fabulous after just having your fifth kid? That is amazing.
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