Monday, December 06, 2010

Dr. Hammond & Ellis...

 our fabulous Dentists.
they had their annual Christmas Party!

  Olivia had dance so it was fun for me to hang out with hayes and ivy and ice skate with them. 
 Ivy wouldn't let me put her down, so i lasted about 20 minutes carrying her until i was 
told she has to be on the ice. Which then did not go well so we were done skating. stinker.  haha

So Hayes hung out with Boston and Cam and was doing great!  By the end of the party he was doing 360's with his little walker! haha

we got to see santa, and eat donuts and Hot chocolate.  


Jenn Granum said...

Do you have braces on in this picture? You are hot with or without them. Remember when one of my kids totally ate it on their face on the ice at this party? Oh, that gave me a heart attack.

{jane} said...

it seems you guys go ice skating like twice a month, i'm sure it's not that often...but...

Kiana used to be an "figure skater" out there, and since she quit when she was about six/seven, we've never been back so i'm always amazed at seeing you take your kiddo's there! {so often!}

awesome dentist, i swear he and our orthodontist must know each other because they run their practices/parties like identical! {we just never go to the parties!}

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